ios 11.3.1 jailbreak
ios 11.3.1 jailbreak

1Ifyouwanttojailbreakyour64-bitcompatibleiPhoneoriPadusing3uTools,thenhere'satutorialtothateffect.Compatibility.ThelatestElectra ...,BeforejailbreakingyouriOSdevice,youmustbackupyouriOSdevice.Step#1.Goto(Thiswebsite),tapontheappscategory.Taponthe...

iOS 11.3.1越獄

iOS越獄教學/2019-12-26/作者:瘋先生/iBSparkes,iOS11.1越獄,iOS11.3.1越獄,iOS11.4beta3越獄,iOS11.4.1越獄,iOS11.4越獄,iOS11越獄,iOS11JB, ...

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How to Jailbreak iOS 11.0

1 If you want to jailbreak your 64-bit compatible iPhone or iPad using 3uTools, then here's a tutorial to that effect. Compatibility. The latest Electra ...

How To Jailbreak Ios 11.2 And 11.3.1 Without A Computer ...

Before jailbreaking your iOS device, you must back up your iOS device. Step #1. Go to (This website), tap on the apps category. Tap on the Tweakbox Apps, you ...

iOS 11.3.1越獄

iOS越獄教學 / 2019-12-26 / 作者: 瘋先生 / iBSparkes, iOS 11.1越獄, iOS 11.3.1越獄, iOS 11.4 beta3越獄, iOS 11.4.1越獄, iOS 11.4越獄, iOS 11越獄, iOS11 JB, ...

Jailbreak iOS 11 to iOS 11.4.1 [Online method]

Blizzard Jailbreak is a new open source jailbreak designed by famous developer GeoSn0w (@FCE365). It is initially supported for the iOS 11 – iOS 11.4.1 ...

Jailbreak iOS 11.3.1 Using Electra On Any iPhone, iPad Or ...

2018年7月7日 — Here's how to jailbreak iOS 11.3.1 using Electra on any of your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch device the right way.

免電腦直接安裝Electra 開發者版iOS 11.2~11.3.1 越獄工具

如果已經有跑到(2/3)直接轉進黑螢幕,出現Cydia Install 訊息也先不要推出,直到自動Respring後,打開Electra 呈現「Enable Jailbreak」就表示越獄成功,需要再點擊一次 ...


1Ifyouwanttojailbreakyour64-bitcompatibleiPhoneoriPadusing3uTools,thenhere'satutorialtothateffect.Compatibility.ThelatestElectra ...,BeforejailbreakingyouriOSdevice,youmustbackupyouriOSdevice.Step#1.Goto(Thiswebsite),tapontheappscategory.TapontheTweakboxApps,you ...,iOS越獄教學/2019-12-26/作者:瘋先生/iBSparkes,iOS11.1越獄,iOS11.3.1越獄,iOS11.4beta3越獄,iOS11.4.1越獄,iOS11.4越獄,iOS11越獄,iOS11...